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Thematic Agendas for Research and Innovation


In the spirit of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 32/2016, dated June 3, 2016, and more specifically of the principles set forth in the attachment entitled “Commitment to Knowledge and Science: the Commitment to the Future”, FCT ensures the preparation of fifteen Thematic R&I Agendas.

Research and Innovation Thematic Agendas aim in particular to mobilize experts from R&D institutions and companies to identify challenges and opportunities in the Portuguese scientific and technological system, particularly in the medium- and long-term. These agendas are also expected to contribute to the development of research and innovation activities, contributing to finding answers to the problems or needs of different sectors of society.

The inclusive and dynamic process of preparing these agendas - involving experts from academia, research centers, companies, public organizations and civil society, within a framework of dialogue between different national actors - makes it possible to specify emerging and promising areas for Portuguese Research and Innovation, in a medium- and long-term perspective, until 2030.

    • The main goal of the agendas is to foster collective reflection about the knowledge base supporting the scientific, technological and socioeconomic development of the country in the areas in question.

      The main goals of the thematic agendas are:

      - Promoting dialogue between the scientific and business communities by articulating the skills and needs of researchers, citizens, companies, the Public Administration, and civil society organizations;
      - Building a medium- and long-term vision for the Portuguese research and innovation system, as well as more promising R&I agendas to achieve this vision in each thematic area;
      - Contributing to the creation of information sources capable of inspiring and supporting decision-making processes, in particular regarding R&I internationalization strategies and the research agendas of institutions and their researchers.

    • The preparation of thematic R&I agendas favors an inclusive and bottom-up approach, involving scientific, technological and business communities, as well as other organizations. This process is inspired by international practices for the creation of strategic agendas capable of mobilizing research and innovation.

      Each Agenda is prepared by groups of experts with representatives from the scientific and business communities.

      These expert groups were assembled by inviting the heads of R&D units and companies to appoint various specialists, as well as by sending direct invitations to different experts, thereby seeking to encompass each area's different facets.

      Although FCT offers the necessary technical and logistical support for the completion of the process, including a content structure proposal, it is the responsibility of each expert group to produce the content of each agenda. Each agenda's internal structure is determined by the expert groups, which concurrently select the experts who will assume the positions of rapporteur and coordinator.

      This innovative and dynamic process aims to stimulate an exchange of ideas between the scientific and business communities in an ongoing dialogue focused on building a common agenda.

      There was also an inquiry to the community on the main issues to be addressed, as well as a consultation with Public Administration bodies by means of a specific questionnaire.

    • Building the thematic agendas is a process in which each agenda presents a specific trajectory, with contrasting development stages, as each agenda was launched at different moments over several months.

      Thematic agendas will be subject to regular updates, as part of an ongoing debate to be carried out in the future.

      The presentation of the Thematic Agendas' initial results at CIÊNCIA 2017 was an opportunity for the scientific and technological community to have preliminary contact with the evolution of each Agenda.

Thematic Agendas