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Career Development


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The development, strengthening, renovation and sustainability of science and research entail an employment strategy that ensures the integration of highly qualified and internationally competitive scientists into research and academic centres.

FCT runs several career development programmes, for post-doctoral researchers, of all nationalities, and across all research and academic fields:

Promotion of employment in scientific fields – The legal support for the employment of PhDs was created by the Decree 57/2016, with changes made by Law 57/2017, with the aim to stimulate the creation of jobs in science and technology, promote the rejuvenation of institutions and enhance scientific research activities, technological development, science management and communication. The institutions of the National Scientific and Technological System have a new mechanism to recruit PhDs, which facilitates their incorporation into such entities, as well as in its multiple and collaborative partnerships with the economic, productive, social or cultural systems.

FCT Investigator Programme – a researcher-centred, highly competitive scheme, aimed at providing 5-year support for the most talented and creative researchers, capable of carrying out independent research and becoming leaders in their fields. Launched in 2012, the programme aims to recruit 1 000 FCT Investigators by 2016.

Welcome II Programme – for European researchers with at least 3 years’ experience outside Portugal, wishing to carry out research in Portuguese research centres. A total of 38 contracts were established, with researchers from Portugal, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Serbia, Sweden, Hungary and Italy.

Ciência Programme – aimed at recruiting 1 000 researchers into the National Science and Technology System, via 5-year contracts between researchers and research centres. In two calls, in 2006/7 and 2008/9, research centres submitted proposals outlining the number of positions required.