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Surveys and Questionnaires

  • CLOSED A performance indicator based on complete data for the publication output of Social Sciences and Humanities
    FCT and the General Directorate of Statistics of Education and Science (DGEEC) aim to put in place a system for the collection of scientific literature in the Social Sciences and Humanities that circumvents the limitations of the databases that are traditionally used in bibliometric studies.
    The goal of this survey is thus to obtain input from researchers in order to set up a complete register of the scientific literature in the Social Sciences and Humanities and, additionally, to develop an instrument to extract a suitable indicator for these scientific areas.
    For more information, please email
  • CLOSED Questionnaire on the Portuguese Strategy of Non-energy, Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technologies - Portrait of the Portuguese System
    The Country Framework Programme (CPF) for Portugal, signed by the Portuguese Government and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), recommends a study on the future of nuclear research and technologies in Portugal, to be performed by an independent International Expert Group (IEG).
    As a basis for the work to be developed by the Expert Group, this questionnaire aims to establish a portrait of the Portuguese nuclear system in the areas of nuclear fission, radioactive waste, radiation protection as well as any other peaceful applications of nuclear technologies, excluding nuclear energy and nuclear fusion.