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Transnational Cooperation


FCT was member of the network ERA-CAPS, since 1st of December of 2011, an ERA-NET Project involving 19 funding agencies from 19 countries (United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia and Spain).

ERA-CAPS aims to reinforce the scientific coordination and integration of plant sciences research programmes.

Plant sciences therefore face important challenges at the European and Global scale, due to the increasing demands from a burgeoning world population. To guarantee food security, the world requires new ways to produce adequate and stable food supplies in an environmentally sustainable manner. The challenge for plant sciences is to further improve current knowledge of plant biology and agronomy, to increase crop yields and enhance the access to a far greater diversity of safe and nutritious food on a global scale.

Transnational Calls

Calls for transnational research projects are one of the main goals of the ERA-NETs, as a mechanism for validating the cooperative effort between the various funding agencies. ERA-CAPS launched 2 joint transnational calls, in plant sciences, and FCT participated in both.

2nd Transnational Call (2014) is Open

ERA-CAPS Call for international research proposals on "Molecular Plant Sciences", lauched on the 14thof January 2014 is a two stage procedure: pre-proposal submission - 14th of March 2014 (12.00 CET); full proposal submission - 18th of July 2014 (12.00 CET).

The funding agencies that confirmed their participation in the call are: FWF (Austria), FWO (Belgium – Flanders), F.R.S.-FNRS (Belgium - FWB), DASTI (Denmark), ETAg (Estonia), ANR (France), DFG (Germany), MTA-OTKA (Hungary), MOARD (Israel), MIUR (Italy), LZA (Latvia), MBIE (New Zealand), RCN (Norway), NCBiR (Poland), FCT (Portugal), MPNTR (Serbia), SNF (Switzerland), BBSRC (U.K.) and NSF (USA).

A consortium should minimally include 3 funding agencies from 3 different countries.

The projects funded by FCT should have a maximum duration of 3 years .

The amount available by FCT for this call is 325.000 €: a maximum of 200.000 € for a project with Portuguese coordination, and a maximum of 125.000 € for a project with Portuguese participation.

In order to facilitate the search for partners, a partner search tool has been launched at

Was also created a page to search for collaborations at

Further information can be found on the ERA-CAPS website

1st Transnational Call (2012)

Submitted projects 110
PT submitted projects 13
Funded projects 14
PT funded projects 0
Success rate 13%
Budget (M€) 21

The 1st joint call of ERA-CAPS was launched in 2012, for transnational research proposals on Molecular Plant Sciences.

The participating countries in the Call were: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Irland, Israel, Latvia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, U.K. and USA.

In this call were funded 14 transnational consortium, of which none with Portuguese participation.


Joana Pinheiro
Tel: (+351) 213 924 381

FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Av. D. Carlos I, 126
1249 – 074 Lisboa