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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

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Call for SR&TD Project Grants - 2017

Infectious Diseases


A new approach to fight tuberculosis: co-drugs activated by mycobacterial esterases. Luis Filipe Vicente Constantino, FARM-ID, Associação da Faculdade de Farmácia para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (FARM-ID). €229,181.


Manipulation of lysosomal cathepsins and their inhibitors cystatins in human macrophages as a host directed therapeutic strategy for tuberculosis and co-infection with HIV. Elsa Maria Ribeiro dos Santos Anes, FARM-ID, Associação da Faculdade de Farmácia para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (FARM-ID). €239,950.


Polyphasic validation of antimicrobial peptides as alternative treatment for diabetic foot infections. Manuela Oliveira, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária (FMV/ULisboa). €239,656.


Exploring the Antimicrobial Potential of Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecules. Carlos José Rodrigues Crispim Romão, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). €239,998.


Whole genome analysis of pre-mRNA splicing alterations in HDV-induced hepatocellular carcinoma. João Paulo Tavanez da Silva Fernandes, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). €238,362.


Madeira dengue outbreak: a tool for searching host factors involved in asymptomatic infection. Ana Margarida Aires Alves Vigário, Universidade da Madeira (UMA). €237,858.


Reverse Genetics Vaccine Seeds for Influenza: Mechanisms that drive the co-segregation of PB1 with antigenic proteins. Helena Rebelo-de-Andrade, FARM-ID, Associação da Faculdade de Farmácia para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento (FARM-ID). €163,746.


Characterization of HIV-1 Drug Resistance to Integrase Inhibitors in Portugal: clinical and economic impact for treatment and drug resistance testing guidelines. Ana Barroso Abecasis, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL). €236,931.