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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

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Call for SR&TD Project Grants - 2017

Molecular Biology


Microenvironmental effects on alternative splicing in malignant progression of colorectal tumor cells. Vânia Marina Cristóvão Gonçalves, FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (Fciências.ID). €239,411.


Deciphering the epigenetic barriers of aging for iPSC reprogramming. Simão José Teixeira da Rocha, Instituto de Medicina Molecular João lobo Antunes (IMM/FM/ULisboa). €239,555.


Plasmodium Iron regulatory Network: the need to sense, acquire and detoxify. Vanessa Zuzarte Luis, Instituto de Medicina Molecular João lobo Antunes (IMM/FM/ULisboa). €239,762.


Perceiving Diabetes as an Islet Amyloid PoliPeptide oligomeropathy: disease progression and therapeutic focus. Regina Menezes Echaniz, Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica (IBET). €239,972.


Molecular mechanisms of adult neural stem cell activation following brain injury in Drosophila. Christa Rhiner, Fundação D. Anna de Sommer Champalimaud e Dr. Carlos Montez Champalimaud (FC Champalimaud). €230,509.


Sodium-iodide symporter posttranslational interactome: identification of novel targets to enhance iodide-related cancer therapy. Ana Luísa Silva, Associação para Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Medicina (AIDFM/FM/ULisboa). €238,612.