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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

The information may be unavailable due to the results not being approved or confirmed. In particular, when a call includes regions where projects are cofunded by EC funds and others where that is not the case, confirmation or approval may be not simultaneous.

Call for Proposals for Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects in all Scientific Domains - 2010

Material Sciences and Engineering - Polymers, Polymeric and Composite Structures

    Painel de Avaliação da área de Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais - 2010
  • Relva Buchanan
  • David Vernon Edmonds
  • Michel Duclot
  • Paolo Netti
  • Robert Freer
  • Vasileios Koutsos

Pressure Induced Mixing and Crystallization Effects in Materials for Polymer Photovoltaic Cells. Gabriel Bernardo, Universidade do Minho (UM). €96,140.


Smart windows with permanent memory effect. João Carlos da Silva Barbosa Sotomayor, NOVA.ID.FCT - Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT (NOVA.ID.FCT). €131,140.