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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

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Call for Proposals for Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects in all Scientific Domains - 2010

Psychology - Clinical Psychology

    Painel de Avaliação da área de Psicologia - 2010
  • Fritz Strack
  • Kenneth Hugdahl
  • Marcel van den Hout
  • Iris Engelhard
  • Pasco Fearon
  • Gary Berntson

Electrophysiological investigation of auditory affective processing in schizophrenia and its relationship with self-monitoring: a window into auditory hallucinations? Ana Pinheiro, Universidade do Minho (UM). €94,476.


Interaction between immune genes and quality of caregiver`s behaviours for child`s attachment outcomes. Ana Raquel Marcelino Mesquita, Universidade do Minho (UM). €90,000.


SEXUAL RESPONSE TO A BOGUS NEGATIVE FEEDBACK: PSYCHOLOGICAL PREDICTORS AND NEURO-PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRELATES. Pedro Jorge da Silva Coelho Nobre, Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto (FPCE/UP). €90,000.


The role of genotype-environment interaction on the resilience and vulnerability to developmental and mental health problems in the first 18 months of life. RAQUEL ALEXANDRA GONÇALVES COSTA, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). €102,345.


Ambivalence and unsuccessful psychotherapy. Mário Miguel Machado Osório Gonçalves, Universidade do Minho (UM). €95,556.


Processes of change in the treatment of anxiety disorders in school aged children: the role of cognitions and coping. Ana Isabel Leite de Freitas Pereira, Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa (FP/ULisboa). €100,000.