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R&D Institutions



The original results of the bibliometric study are provided in the files below. Each workbook includes several worksheets.

  1. Scientific output of research units and associate laboratories, funded by the FCT pluriannual funding scheme in 2011.
  2. Note: FCT added a column to worksheet 1.2 with information on the eligible full-time equivalent (ETIs) in each unit or associate laboratory.

This workbook contains the following sheets:

  1. 1.1 Number of publications (2007-2010) provided by Research Units and Associate Laboratories, included in CPCI-S e CPCI-SSH, by institution
  2. 1.2 Bibliometric indicators for articles and reviews (2007-2010) included in SCI – Expanded, SSCI, A&HCI, by institution
  3. 1.3 Bibliometric indicators for articles and reviews (2007-2010) included in SCI – Expanded, SSCI, A&HCI, by institution and subject category
  4. 1.4 Bibliometric indicators for articles and reviews (2007-2010) included in SCI – Expanded, SSCI, A&HCI, by institution and type of collaboration
  5. 1.5 Number of publications (2007-2010) provided by Research Units and Associate Laboratories, included in CPCI-S e CPCI-SSH, by institution
  1. National bibliometric data
  2. Note: Research units and associate laboratories were grouped according to the region where the lead organisation of each in based, in particular for associate laboratories

This workbook contains the following sheets:

  1. 2.1 Regional distribution of bibliometric indicators of research units and associate laboratories supported by the FCT pluriannual funding scheme in 2011, by year
  2. 2.2 Regional distribution of bibliometric indicators of research units and associate laboratories supported by the FCT pluriannual funding scheme in 2011, by subject category
  1. UE27 scientific output

This workbook contains the following sheets:

  1. 3.1 Total number of articles and reviews (2007-2010) of EU27 institutions, included in SCI – Expanded, SSCI, A&HCI, by subject category and year
  2. 3.2 Bibliometric indicators for articles and reviews (2007-2010) of EU27 institutions, included in SCI – Expanded, SSCI, A&HCI, by subject category