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A.I. Research. Public Administration.

FCT has launched this year a call for scientific projects to be developed jointly with the Public Administration, within axis 5 (Research) of the INCoDe.2030 Initiative. The selected proposals will be presented on the 24th of October, 10 a.m., at the INE. The Minister of the Presidency and the Administrative Modernization, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques and the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor, will take part in the session.

Scientific and technological advances in the area of data science and artificial intelligence make it possible to relate data, find patterns, anticipate faults and optimize processes. The projects bring together scientific institutions and the Public Administration in order to join efforts to use the available data that many times contains information that may not be immediately evident, but which can benefit all citizens. The ultimate goal is to allow for better public service, be it in health, education, culture, mobility or the management of the territory.

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