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Curriculum DeGóis

DeGóis Platform

FCT supports the development of the DeGóis platform which offers more advanced functionality than its own FCTSIG/cv system in what concerns curricula. Its integration in several FCT data gathering applications is ongoing:

FCT plans to extend the usage of the DeGois platform. The adoption of this platform for a given Call is now an option to consider. A list of benefits and inconveniences follows:

  • The FCTSIG/cv curricula system was conceived and evolved only having in mind the needs of data submission to Calls for Grants and Projects organized by FCT. It was not conceived to be used for other purposes.
  • The DeGois platform was conceived from the ground up for a maximum of flexibility of usage for different ends including publication of curricula by science and technology units, by FCT or by the individual researcher.
  • The granularity of a DeGois curriculum is considerably higher than a FCTSIG/cv curriculum.
  • Introducing a DeGois curriculum involves a considerably bigger commitment of time than a FCTSIG/cv curriculum.
  • The adoption of a DeGois curriculum is something which fits nicely with the long term career management strategy of a researcher while a FCTSIG/cv curriculum may be a fast option to provide a curriculum to FCT (note that, depending on the Call, FCT may allow the submission of a curriculum in PDF format; this is typical in what concerns the curricula of advisers to candidates in a grant call).