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CEEC Institutional 2018 - Updates

Institutional Implementation


Information updated on September 5, 2022

  • 52 institutions or networks of institutions with positions approved;
  • 52 program-contracts celebrated;
  • 412 contracts to be concluded:
    - 230 tenure-track positions;
    - 182 fixed-term positions;
  • 394 employment contracts submitted.

See the list of expected contracts at the institutions.

The Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus – Institutional Support aims to support the development of R&D activities, stimulating the employment of PhD researchers by scientific institutions through calls directed to those institutions or to networks set up by them. It supports Scientific Employment plans and the Development of Scientific Careers by Higher Education Institutions, State Laboratories and other scientific institutions, either public or private.

The call aims at supporting, deepening and specializing activities of scientific research, technological development and management and communication in S&T activities, oriented towards the performance of missions and scientific challenges in compliance with the Sustainable Development Agenda of the United Nations for 2030. The aim is also to stimulate the scientific employment, by hiring PhD researchers for activities of research and technological development, within the institutional frameworks that characterize the national scientific and technological system, including institutional cooperation through networks, as well as to strengthen the conditions for innovation and the increase of competitiveness of the productive, social and cultural fabric.

Applications must assure the guarantee to rejuvenation and the reinforcement of careers of the contracting institution and the articulation with the associated R&D unit.