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FCT Sponsored Prizes

eSkills for Jobs 2016


Important Dates:

  • Applications: 15 May to 15 July 2016

The app Prize challenge is to create a digital solution (app, webapp or both) for mobile device that enables users to promote their digital skills for employability. app Prize is open to any person or legally registered group, holding official residence, head office or branch in Portugal.

The best idea will receive 4 000 Euro. App is a competition wihtin the eSkills for Jobs Campaign, which is an European initiative that aims to inspire and encourage people to improve their digital skills.

The goal of this competition is to raise awareness of the opportunities that digital skills offer for jobs and employability.

The deadline for online applications is 15 July 2016, using the submission form that is available here

For more details and information please visit the eSkills for Jobs website.