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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

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All Scientific Domains 2000

This was a SAPIENS Call.

    Evaluation Panel
    • Marc Richelle (Coordinator)
    • Amparo Belloch Fuster
    • John A. Michon
    • Jesus Palacios
    • Xavier Seron



Epidemiology of Eating Disorders in Portugal: Incidence, prevalence, risk factors and pathways of care, Paulo Manuel Pinto Pereira Almeida Machado. CENTRO DE ESTUDOS EM EDUCAÇÃO E PSICOLOGIA. €98,423.


Community Resources for the Elderly: Assessment of Formal and Informal Care, Maria Constança Leite de Freitas Paúl dos Reis Torgal. Departamento de Ciências do Comportamento. €75,977.


Is the categorical perception of speech phonemes the result of competitive interactions within phonemic and auditory representations?, Maria de São Luís de Vasconcelos da Fonseca e Castro Schoner. CENTRO DE PSICOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. €50,803.


The quality of child interactions in family and daycare center and its impact in child sociocognitive development, Joaquim Belo Bairrão Ruivo. CENTRO DE PSICOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. €68,670.


Portuguese Adaptation and Stardadisation of Neuropsychological Tests: Normative and Validity Studies, Mário Manuel Rodrigues Simões. BIOLOGIA MOLECULAR - GENÉTICA AMBIENTAL E FARMACOGENÉTICA. €89,285.


Attachment and Social Adaptation to Preschool, Maria Manuela Pedro Veríssimo. PSICOLOGIA COGNITIVA DO DESENVOLVIMENTO E DA EDUCAÇÃO. €50,578.


MOVIDE - Modeling Visual Detection, Johannes Martinus Hubertina du Buf. CINTAL - Centro de Investigação Tecnológica do Algarve. €69,552.


Motivation and Academic Achievement: Differential Development of Adaptative Patterns in Educational Context, Anne Marie Germaine Victorine Fontaine. CENTRO DE PSICOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. €49,630.


Social Representations of Sex Differences and of Spouses' relationships: analysis of Their Role on Family Organization, Gabrielle Annie Nicod - Poeschl. CENTRO DE PSICOLOGIA DA UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO. €38,268.


Dvelopment of Antisocial Behaviour: A Longitudinal Study of Risk and Protective Factors, António Castro Fonseca. CENTRO DE PSICOPEDAGOGIA. €155,994.