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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

The information may be unavailable due to the results not being approved or confirmed. In particular, when a call includes regions where projects are cofunded by EC funds and others where that is not the case, confirmation or approval may be not simultaneous.

All Scientific Domains 2001

This was a SAPIENS Call.

    Evaluation Panel
    • Peter Golding (Coordinator)
    • Cees Hamelink
    • Els de Bens

Communication Sciences


MEDIASCÓPIO - A study on the reconfiguration of the communication and media arena in Portugal, Manuel Joaquim da Silva Pinto. CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS HISTÓRICAS E SOCIAIS. €55,000.


Social Comunicacion of Science, João Maria Nascimento de Freitas Branco. Centro Interdisciplinar de Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade da Univ. de Lisboa. €49,740.


Validation and development of a model of educational programs based upon interactive television, José ALexandre Cardoso Marques. Unidade Autónoma de Audiovisual e Multimédia. €56,000.