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R&D Projects

Confirmed projects database queries

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Proposals for Research Projects in all Scientific Domains - 2006

Communication and Information Sciences

    Painel de Avaliação de Ciências da Comunicação e Informação - 2006
  • Dominique Pasquier
  • Christian Licoppe
  • Daniel Cefai
  • Serge Proulx
  • Jocelyne Arcquembourg

Representations of Childhood - media discourses on children at risk. Paula Cristina Marques Martins, Universidade do Minho (UM). €60,000.


Scripts for sexuality in teenage girls magazines. Conceiçao Nogueira, Universidade do Minho (UM). €50,000.


Information literacy in European Higher Education Space context : case study of Portugal information skills. Armando Manuel Barreiros Malheiro Silva, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FL/UP). €44,022.


Touristic cultures of the neo-residents in the Algarve. José Manuel Figueiredo Santos, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens (CECL/FCSH/UNL). €52,051.


Women and the Public Sphere: The Role of the Media in Critical Areas of Concern of Beijing Platform for Action. Maria João Silveirinha, Centro de Investigação Media e Jornalismo (CIMJ). €46,100.


Public communication of art: the case of local/global art museums. Pedro José Andrade, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Linguagens (CECL/FCSH/UNL). €80,000.


Theory and Aesthetics of Documentary Cinema. Manuela Maria Fernandes Penafria, Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI). €50,000.


COLLABORATORY: A network for sharing knowledge and resources among the State Laboratories. Zita da Conceição Cordeiro Pereira Correia, Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia, I.P. (LNEG). €160,000.


MEDIACULT-PT - Participatory culture and media usage. Manuel José Carvalho Almeida Damásio, COFAC, Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, CRL (COFAC). €108,540.


The Discursive Representation of the Feminine in Women´s and Men´s Magazines. Maria Cláudia Silva Afonso e Álvares, COFAC, Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, CRL (COFAC). €42,046.


Portuguese TV news scenography: from simplicity to profusion of news rooms studios. Maria do Rosário Faro Craveiro Saraiva, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (FL/UP). €41,543.


ÁFRICA ANNES - Social perception in environmental risk communication. António Félix Flores Rodrigues, Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso, FP (FGF). €90,000.


The illustrated postcards. Towards a socio-semiotics of image and imaginarium. MOISÉS ADÃO DE LEMOS MARTINS, Universidade do Minho (UM). €44,326.


DBPreserve - Data Warehouses for the Long-term Preservation of Institutional Electronic Records and Databases. Gabriel David, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC Porto/FE/UP). €80,816.


INFOMEDIA - Information Acquisition in New Media. Manuel José Carvalho Almeida Damásio, COFAC, Cooperativa de Formação e Animação Cultural, CRL (COFAC). €93,300.