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Information to the Scientific Community

Following the guidelines of the Program “Commitment to Science” of the Portuguese Government, the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) provides the following information to the Scientific Community:

Calls for Research Projects in all Scientific Domains - 2012

The funding of research projects in competitive calls is one of the strategic pillars for the development and consolidation of the National Scientific and Technological System (NSTS). FCT will redirect the funding of research projects in all scientific domains by creating four distinct typologies of projects that differ in scale, in structure of the R&D team and in the amount of funding. The brief information presented below is intended to facilitate the planning and the timely preparation of applications by researchers, in particular by identifying the typology of projects chosen, fitting them in the priorities established for the development of the National Scientific and Technological System.

Typologies of Projects

1. Scientific Research and Technological Development (SR&TD) Projects in all Scientific Domains

Correspond to research projects addressing scientifically relevant and original issues that foster the advancement of knowledge and shall produce identified outcomes within the duration of the project. Research projects with a clear component of innovation that contribute to the transfer of knowledge or skills to the productive field will be valued. Eligible projects shall be coordinated by a Principal Investigator and involve teams with the scientific and technological capacity for pursuing the objectives set forth in the application. The duration of the projects to be funded is two years renewable up to one year and the maximum funding per project is 200.000€.

2. Exploratory Research Projects

Exploratory research projects correspond to a more open project configuration intended for the exploration of ideas or concepts considered as having great originality and/or innovative potential by the evaluation panels. The duration of projects to be funded is one year renewable up to six months and the maximum funding per project is 50.000 €.

3. SR&TD Projects in research lines of excellence

This typology of research projects typically correspond to the structured and coherent organization of the scientific activity in major research lines of excellence and may include new or ongoing research projects giving continuity and consistency to the scientific work of larger and highly qualified research teams. The scientific goals shall be based upon clear expected indicators creating, at the same time, the conditions to the sustainable development of emerging areas and/or the consolidation of the scientific excellence in areas identified as priorities for the National Scientific and Technological System. Typically the SR&TD Projects in research lines of excellence shall gather at least three research projects with external funding at competitive calls in the last five years.

These projects shall present a five-year scientific plan and the timeframe to the financial execution shall not exceed the three years duration of this call. The maximum funding per project is 500.000€.

4. SR&TD Projects of consolidation of research skills and resources

The SR&TD Projects of consolidation of research skills and resources are intended to support research activities that by their nature or specificity strongly depend on equipment, material resources or qualified human resources that, by their absence or insufficiency, limit the production and scientific growth in specific areas.

Applications to this typologie shall clearly identify the scientific goals that the research teams intend to achieve, justifying the need for investment in human resources, equipments or other requested means.

These projects shall present a five-year scientific plan and the timeframe to the financial execution shall not exceed the three years duration of this call. The maximum funding per project is 500.000€.

Evaluation Process

The evaluation process of applications is essential to the success of all initiatives under the National Scientific and Technological System. The implementation of rigorous assessment instruments and evaluation panels of specialists of recognized merit and competence are instrumental to achieve this goal. The typologies of projects described above are intended to ensure, as far as possible, the adequacy of the funding instruments to the needs and specificities of the National Scientific and Technological System. Thus the different typologies of projects will be evaluated by the same panel on a competitive basis according to criteria of the scientific merit.

Call for Scientific Research Projects under the Protocol of Collaboration between the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Correspond to scientific research and technological development projects of cooperation between Portuguese and French research teams under the Protocol of Collaboration established between the Foundation for Science and Technology and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). The scientific research projects FCT/ANR should be submitted by the Portuguese team to FCT and by the French team to ANR. Applications will be accepted in all scientific domains, but priority will be given to proposals submitted in the following areas: Health Sciences, Biological Sciences, Environment and Global Changes. The duration of the projects to be funded is three years and the maximum funding per project can vary from 200.000 € to 400.000 €.

Note: The information now released does not replace or intend to override any stipulations set forth in the Announcement of Call for Proposals or in the Regulations.

The FCT Board of Directors
Foundation for Science and Technology